Seniors need affordable transportation options

True to Care Non-Emergency Medical Transportation believes that affordable senior transportation is essential for maintaining independence and health. Without a reliable way to get to doctor’s appointments or to buy food and household supplies they can’t realistically remain in their homes as they age, especially in times when isolation is a big problem for seniors who don’t drive – it negatively affects health and well-being.

We want to enable individuals of all ages to travel to work, volunteer, spend time with family, friends and their community, and enjoy entertainment, recreational and religious activities. To keep seniors healthy and active is important to us.

Do you need recurring and regular appointments, treatments for injuries or dialysis treatments? Do you need to go to hospital for testings and medical procedures? Call us. We offer transportation 24 hours 7 days a week and we have an important rule – recurring multiple rides scheduled ahead of time are discounted based on frequency. 

We value all of our passengers, and we understand their need for secure transportation especially when it comes to any accessibility issues. Our vehicles are designed in order to accommodate passengers with wheelchairs and stretchers, providing non-emergency ambulatory transportation for their medical needs. We know that accessible transportation services are critical for enabling older adults to live independently and we try to offer that to all our customers. That’s why we keep all of our vehicles extremely clean and we keep a wide variety of music in the vehicles, to make the ride more enjoyable. Our clients really like having a music selection available for their ride.  

Do you know that about 600,000 older adults stop driving each year, according to USAging, the national association for Area Agencies on Aging? Do you know that Non-emergency medical transportation is a Medicaid benefit that covers travel to medical appointments? Some private insurance also may cover non-emergency medical transit; check your insurance provider.